- We have 65 units in our rental fleet
- We are located in Temse, Belgium (google maps)
- Shipping possible within EU (only for proven Pro AV companies)
- Contact us by phone 003237716570 - or mail contact@stake5.be
- We also have some UE150's with NDI®|HX installed on it (We can only book these upon specific request)
Some usefull YouTube videos about the AW-UE150 (Panasonic channel):
SEO Tags: AW-UE150 for rent, AW-UE150 rental, AW-UE150KEJ for rent, AW-UE150KEJ rental, AW-louer UE150, AW-UE150 à louer, louer AW-UE150KEJ, AW-UE150KEJ à louer, AW-UE150 mieten, vermietung AW-UE150, AW-UE150KEJ mieten, vermietung AW-UE150KEJ